Many people have lost their jobs and income as a result of the COVID 19 shutdown. Hopefully, this will end soon. Many creditors are offering options. You just need to contact them and explain that you are affected by COVID 19. Bankruptcy prioritizes debts. You should too when you work with your creditors. You should know the difference between priority, secured and unsecured debts. Simply put, credit card debt is unsecured and last to be paid. Focus on your secured debt (home mortgage and car loans). Deal with credit card debt later. Another thing to consider is the difference between forbearance and forgiveness. Forbearance just defers payment to a later date. That is what is being offered now. There may be other programs later. But initially most creditors are offering forbearance.
The Governor of Florida has suspended all foreclosure actions for 45 days: "NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section (1 )(a) of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order to take immediate effect: Section 1. I hereby suspend and toll any statute providing for a mortgage foreclosure cause of action under Florida law for 45 days from the date of this Executive Order, including any extensions. Section 2. I hereby suspend and toll any statute providing for an eviction cause of action under Florida law solely as it relates to non-payment of rent by residential tenants due to the COVID-19 emergency for 45 days from the date of this Executive Order, including any extensions. Section 3. Nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed as relieving an individual from their obligation to make mortgage payments or rent payments. "
Obviously, these are unprecedented times. Economic slowdown does not help. Loss of income, but you still have monthly payments to make. You can still obtain legal advice, by phone, text or email. If your circumstances have changed due to COVID 19 threat, please contact my office to discuss.
Randy maddoxOrlando attorney providing legal and financial advice. ArchivesCategories